Interested in throwing your own HerMoney Happy Hour or joining a HerMoney Happy Hour? You’ve come to the right place.
By: Jean Chatzky
Hey! Thanks for reading Margaritas and Your Money, my column in AARP The Magazine. I’m so glad the idea of cocktails and a little financial conversation is appealing to you!
First, you should know that in addition to San Francisco and Philly, we’ll be hosting Happy Hours in other cities including Boston, Chicago, New York and the Miami area in the coming months. And we’ll be announcing more. If you’d like to participate in any of those, or be kept in the loop for future dates, please make sure to let us know. As you could probably tell from the column, these are smallish events, but we’ll do our best to accommodate as many of you as we can.
You can also host your own HerMoney Happy Hour. And here are my suggestions for making sure your event goes swimmingly:
- Leading questions are key. The 40-ish questions I developed are intentionally open-ended. Just as you don’t want to ask your kids a question they can answer with one word, you don’t want to do that here.
- The group matters. I learned through trial and error that groups of eight to 10 are best. Fewer than six, everyone feels a little too naked. More than 12, there’s not enough time for everyone to talk. Strangers are far better than friends. And while you may be tempted to include men, don’t. Even if you’re comfortable with a guy at the table, the woman next to you may not be.
- Cocktails are cohesive. Not everyone drinks at these things, but there’s something about a Happy Hour as opposed to say, a lunch, that brings on the let-our-hair-down ethos. A few nibbles don’t hurt either.
Let me know how it goes. Join our community. And I’m so glad you’ve visited my new site, I hope you’ll also take some time to visit the site while you’re here.