Who else has found it, like, incredibly hard to do anything this year? *Slowly raises hand.*
Lately it seems like I can barely focus on a day’s worth of work, let alone tackle any of the projects I promised myself I’d do this year. Example: I’ve needed new socks for months, but I just can’t be bothered to shop for any I like. And god forbid I need to make calls about a surprise medical bill or to make an appointment. Why does everything these days seem so… exhausting?
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And why do so many of the women in our HerMoney community (members of our private HerMoney Facebook page) feel the exact same way? Here’s what they had to say.
Elizabeth G. says she’s been putting off fixing her stove, not wanting to crawl in the oven or pay a repairman to do it for her.
Julie D. has been procrastinating an important job application, because she feels like the damper mood of 2020 is making it hard to show off her greatest achievements.
Katie R. has been ignoring shoulder pain because finding a doctor is just too challenging right now.
Teresa B. has only visited the dentist once this year, and doesn’t feel like going again.
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And Harmony J. has been postponing taking her last two exams to get her CPCU designation, dragging things out much longer than necessary.
Ladies, we feel you.
But since our group is so supportive (and arguably the best place on the internet) several women who have been able to get it done shared some of the motivational tools they are using to get up, get out, and get moving.
“Lists keep me motivated,” says Kim S. “Whenever I feel unmotivated at work or at home I create a list. Most of the time once I cross something off the list I’m able to move right to the next item on the list.”
Emily P., who says she had put off going back to school for three years, and was just recently accepted into her school of choice says, “My motivation to do this was watching Kamala Harris’ Victory speech. I’m 46 and I suppose she gave me that last little ‘umph’ I needed to follow my dream!”
Alice W. says she had ignored the need to talk to a financial advisor, but the HerMoney group gave her the push she needed to make the call. Plus, she found out that at 59 years old, she will be fully funded for retirement at the end of next year. We are so very proud, Alice!!
Kimberly G. says she finally started working outside the home after 14 years. “What pushed me to do it was the job itself. I get paid to play with Legos as a STEM Instructor. Not what I was picturing as far as dealing with covid restrictions, and would have had more hours during normal times, but still I am happy with dipping my toe into the workforce.” We are so thrilled you found a job you love, Kimberly!
Pam H. left her career in early November and was motivated by — wait for it — the pandemic. “Life is fleeting and you never know what’s coming that you can’t control, so take control of what you can and don’t look back!” she says.
We couldn’t agree more. And here’s to hoping we can get *anything* (and everything) done in 2021!
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