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HerMoney Podcast: HerMoney Diary Entry No. 1 with Refinery 29’s Lindsey Stanberry (Episode 125)

Jean Chatzky  |  September 5, 2018

Refinery29's Lindsey Stanberry is here to discuss her new book inspired by the viral series she launched that gives readers inside looks into the spending habits of millennial women across the country. (Warning: They're addicting.)

Dear HerMoney listeners, this week we’re getting up close and personal about our spending habits with Refinery29’s work & money director, Lindsey Stanberry.

She’s here to discuss her new book, “Refinery29 Money Diaries: Everything You’ve Ever Wanted To Know About Your Finances… And Everyone Else’s” — inspired by the viral series she launched that gives readers inside looks into the spending habits of millennial women across the country. (Warning: They’re addicting.) In Mailbag, Kelly and I start drafting our diary entries and answer your questions on credit card loyalty, balance transfers and one listener’s difficult decision to keep health insurance. And, in Thrive, the two biggest strategies for making sure that you’ll have enough money to last you in retirement.

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