As the daughter of an astrologer, my life has forever been filled with recommendations from the universe. For me, dreaming big, asking for what I want and having faith in my abilities are everyday constants. For years, I’ve had a financial vision board that I keep at my desk so I can see it every day, and always know where I’m headed. Having a board that’s fully focused on my money matters has been incredibly important for me when it comes to reaching my specific financial goals.
If you’ve never heard of a financial vision board, don’t be intimidated — it’s just a way to express your goals and intentions by pasting inspiring images and words onto a poster or a piece of cardboard, explains Linda Lauren, a fourth-generation psychic medium. “Most people still use this method because it is fun to collect magazines and pictures that inspire you. Just plop them down onto the center of the table and have a go at your goals,” she says.
But exactly how should you go about creating this inspiring personal piece of artwork for yourself? Here’s a rundown.
Dream about your financial future while you make it.
As you flip through pages to seek inspiration, it’s essential to be present in the moment, fantasizing about your financial aspirations. As reiki master Meah Starr Kadziela explains, a vision board helps us channel the law of attraction to bring us what we want.
“Thoughts are energy, and what we put out into the universe per the law of karma/attraction is what we get back,” she says. “What we choose to focus on is what we call into our reality. Change your thought, and change your reality.”
For some people, creating a list before they cut out images or words could be helpful. On your list, you could include milestones, like buying a house, starting your own business, becoming a millionaire, and so on.
Take your time.
In the past, I’ve held vision board parties with my friends, where we all work together on our individual projects. These parties usually last five to six hours, and most of that time there’s very little talking. Instead, my friends and I focus on finding the images and phrases that speak to us and match our dreams. It isn’t a process that can be rushed since the whole point is to create a visual representation of what you’re working toward. “Be patient with your vision board. Believe it or not, it takes a while to gather each and every item you would like to call into your life,” Kadziela reminds. She says she looked through seven real estate magazines before she found the house on the ocean that would be just right for her board. It’s up to you to make sure everything that’s on your vision board feels right to you.
Write a check to yourself.
When she teaches vision board workshops, Kadziela asks her clients to bring their checkbooks. And nope, not to pay her — but to pay themselves. This exercise serves as a concrete example of the money goals you’re chasing after. She asks questions like:
- How much do you want to make?
- What is it that you wish the universe would deliver to you, from a financial standpoint?
She then asks her clients to make out a check to themselves, for what they’d like to earn every single day. “When you see that check, you wouldn’t believe over time the effect that has on your subconscious mind,” she says. You might even want to put this in the middle of your board, so it’s the first item you see.
Go big.
This isn’t a time to be modest. Instead, Kadziela says it’s a time to go big. What would be your dream financial scenario for your life? What salary would make you super excited? What type of home would be wonderful? “Don’t impose self-limitations. Exceed your wildest expectations in what you think you can call into your life,” she continues. “It’s almost like placing your order with the universe. We have ideas of what would be easy or hard to manifest. But to the universe, it’s all the same.”
In many ways, Kadziela says this is all about mind over matter. So, don’t sell yourself short.
Let your board spring you into action.
Pin your board somewhere you can see it every day, like your desk or even your bathroom mirror. Now, it’s time for the real work to begin, Kadziela says.
“You don’t just throw your wish into the well and sit down for the next six months, waiting for it to magically appear,” she explains. “We must make sure that we are taking actual steps to align ourselves with our goals.”
Allow yourself to be guided by your passion by receiving visual clues from your board. You may find yourself rewriting your resume, applying for a business loan, finishing the book you were writing, or starting a new project. The goal is that your vision board triggers you to take steps toward creating the financial future you’ve sketched out in your mind. “This sends out signals to the universe that you are serious about this,” she says. “Feel it. Live it. Create your own reality.”
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