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HerMoney Podcast: Get Present Over Perfect With Shauna Niequist (Episode 36)

Jean Chatzky  |  December 10, 2018

"Present Over Perfect" author Shauna Niequist sat down with me, and the resulting conversation was good for my — and I hope your — soul.

Are you feeling frantic this holiday season? How about on a daily basis? If you feel like you spend wayyyyy too much time trying to be perfect at everything you do, only to disappoint the ones you love — and yourself — at every turn, this show is our holiday gift to you.

“Present Over Perfect” author Shauna Niequist sat down with me, and the resulting conversation was good for my — and I hope your — soul. Kelly and I chatted about where to put money when saving for a home and figuring out the best insurance for you and your family.

And then we discuss the cost of taking a break from work in this week’s Thrive. Please spread some HerMoney cheer by sharing this episode with your friend who needs it most.

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