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HerMoney Podcast: Doing Well While Doing Good With Katherina Rosqueta (Episode 87)

Jean Chatzky  |  December 7, 2017

Many of you will be giving back this holiday season, and with over a million charities in the US, figuring out where give can be an overwhelming decision.

Last week the world celebrated Giving Tuesday, the unofficial kickoff for the charitable giving season. We know that many of you will be giving back this holiday season. We also know that with over a million charities in the United States alone, figuring out where to direct your money can be an overwhelming decision. Is this cancer/hunger/social justice/fill-in-the-blank organization the right one? How will your donation line up with your values and goals — not to mention, change the world? Yes, they’re big questions. But we’ve got answers from Katherina Rosqueta, the founding executive director of the Center for High Impact Philanthropy at the University of Pennsylvania. Then, Kelly and I dig into the social etiquette for asking friends and family for donations — and we cover your questions on car deals, 401(k) rollovers, stock options for kids and year-end tax planning moves in a year of uncertainty.

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