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HerMoney Podcast: The Confidence To Take Command With Angie Morgan (Episode 62)

Jean Chatzky  |  June 14, 2017

You think the ranks of women rising in corporate America are thin? Take a look at the Marine Corps, where fewer than 7.6 are women — and far fewer are in leadership roles.

You think the ranks of women rising in corporate America are thin? Take a look at the Marine Corps, where fewer than 7.6 are women — and far fewer are in leadership roles. Angie Morgan, Captain in the U.S. Marine Corps and author of “Spark: How to Lead Yourself and Others to Greater Success,” is here to help us change that. We dig into whether you’re spending so much time helping others that you’re holding back your own growth (ummm, yes), letting go of the things you cannot control and how confidence can be an emotion that gets your head straight. Then, Kelly and I talk college savings plans and kidpreneurs. Plus, did you miss our special mailbag episode? Check it out — it’s Bonus Mailbag No. 1.

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