They call her “The Chairwoman” on CNBC’s Fast Money, but hedge fund manager Karen Finerman also manages life at home including two sets of twins. Learning to balance work and life, Karen has come to a number of surprising conclusions – including her belief that working from home is “the worst.” She tells us why. Driven to make a lot of money since she was a teen, Karen talks bluntly about why women must be financially independent, and how many women get in the way of their own success. She also fills us in on how being risk-averse is a double-edged sword.
We also answer your financial questions about saving for college, paying off your mortgage and crafting a will. And, in this week’s Thrive segment, we explain how to safely make mobile payments. Plus: We have five of Karen’s best-selling books, “Finerman’s Rules: Secrets I’d Only Tell My Daughters About Business and Life,” to give away. Tweet us your favorite tip from #HerMoneyPodcast @JeanChatzky.