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HerMoney Podcast Episode 293: Inequality, Climate Change + The Jobs Of Tomorrow

Kathryn Tuggle  |  November 17, 2021

What the world of the future may look like, and the careers, policies and action steps we need now. Author Brett King tells all.


In the last few months, there’s a good chance that you or someone you know may have changed jobs — 4.4 million workers quit their jobs just in September alone, the highest number ever on record. 

The pandemic forced many of us to re-evaluate what it is we want to do every day, and how we want to spend our time, which is why the “Great Resignation” as it’s been called, is expected to continue into 2022. But this change we’re seeing may only be the beginning — the 21st century is going to be the most disruptive period humanity has ever lived through, according to our guest today. By 2030, it’s estimated that 30% of all jobs as we know them now will be impacted by automation, displacing up to 800 million people, and over the next three decades, it’s estimated that AI will impact up to 99% of jobs. In the decades to come, we’re going to see vast changes in the economy — local and global, in technology, with the rise of artificial intelligence, and in how we work.

All this is according the new book by Brett King, which hits bookstore shelves this month,  “The Rise of Technosocialism: How Inequality, AI and Climate will Usher in a New World.” Brett is the host of the popular podcast “Breaking Banks,” author of the international bestseller Augmented,” and is the founder of Moven, a mobile banking platform.

Listen in as Jean and Brett dive into discussions around the future job market, inequality, artificial intelligence, the global economy, and the environment. During the pandemic, the wealth of the world’s billionaires topped $10 Trillion for the first time, while 150 million people globally slipped back into extreme poverty. We talk about how we can begin to repair this, and what the future economy may look like. Brett explains that supply and demand is no longer driving labor, and that capitalism needs to be rebuilt. He tells us what that means, and where we’re headed.

We also talk about AI and the rise of technology. Brett explains that by 2035 we’re going to see an increase in many jobs becoming obsolete, and at the same time there will be a shortage of skilled STEM workers. We discuss how that will impact employment, and what we can do to prepare. (Will we need to be retrained, find new careers? And how can we get out ahead of that now?)

In Mailbag, we hear from a listener who is looking to relocate outside of Los Angeles, and Jean advises a woman looking for guidance on what to do with company stock.  And in Thrive, the 5 strategies you need for making a tough financial decision. 

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