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HerMoney Podcast: All The Negotiating Advice You’ve Gotten Is Wrong. Kate White Fills Us In (Episode 105)

Jean Chatzky  |  April 11, 2018

We're keeping the #EqualPayDay conversation (which is everyday for us, btw) going with Kate White, author of The Gutsy Girl Handbook: Your Manifesto for Success.

We’re keeping the #EqualPayDay conversation (which is everyday for us, btw) going with Kate White, author of The Gutsy Girl Handbook: Your Manifesto for Success. She’s got some new and surprising advice for the best way to negotiate for more … and it flies in the face of everything we’ve ever heard. Plus, we dish on why you need to be facile enough to reinvent and how being a good girl can hold you back — with work and money. Kelly and I answer your questions on credit repair services, Facebook scams and tax deductions with the new code in mind.

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