Earn Side Hustles

HerMoney Podcast: Kickstart Your Big Idea With Alex Daly (Episode 64)

Jean Chatzky  |  June 28, 2017

Think you have a great idea but hate the idea of asking family, friends and strangers for money? Meet The Crowdsourceress: Alex Daly.

Think you have a great idea but hate the idea of asking family, friends and strangers for money? Meet The Crowdsourceress: Alex Daly. She discovered she was so good at helping other people use crowdfunding to bankroll their businesses, creative ideas and charitable campaigns that she turned it into a business. We got her to pull back the curtain on her secrets.

Then, Kelly and I answer your questions about balancing family goals and a newborn — and aligning your investments with your personal values. And are you guilty of the occasional sip and click? We are too — but we got over it. So can you.

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