Enjoy Wellness

HerMoney Podcast: Mindfulness 101 With Caren Osten (Episode 67)

Jean Chatzky  |  July 19, 2017

This week we break that down with my friend Caren Osten, a certified positive psychology life coach.

We’re in the heart of summer and it’s time to sloowww dowwwnn. That means shifting out of your comfort zone as a type-A person, who wears busy as a badge of honor, to dropping the ball (à la Tiffany Dufu — check her out on episode No. 57) and saying “no” more often. This week we break that down with my friend Caren Osten, a certified positive psychology life coach. She helps her clients find balance, resilience and positivity during transitions and challenging times, and she walks us through the steps. Then, Kelly and I cover how to get a break on your credit card fees and eliminate clutter in the kitchen. Oh, and we’ve got research on how bad perfectionism is for your health. P.S. We have another Mailbag show coming your way this Friday. Happy summer!

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