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HerMoney Podcast: Getting Aroused With Randi Hutter Epstein (Episode 129)

Jean Chatzky  |  October 3, 2018

In this week's HerMoney Podcast, we talk emotions, birth control, egg freezing and how to save on shopping for medical care.

Estrogen, progesterone and testosterone, oh my! This week we’re getting hormonal with my good friend, Randi Hutter Epstein, author of the new book: “Aroused: The History of Hormones and How They Control Just About Everything” — which, by the way, includes our finances.

We talk emotions (and money), birth control (and money), egg freezing (and money) and how to save, yes, money, on shopping for medical care.

In Mailbag, Kelly and I answer your questions on selling stocks, protecting your newborn’s identity and HELOCs. And a question for all of us: Could our friendships be holding us back at work? We discuss in Thrive.

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