Invest Financial Planning

HerMoney Podcast: Five Simple Life-Changing Rules Of Investing With Alice Finn (Episode 72)

Jean Chatzky  |  August 23, 2017

It took former rocket scientist Alice Finn to figure out that investing isn't all that complicated after all.

It took a former rocket scientist to figure out that investing isn’t all that complicated after all. Alice Finn’s career has taken her from NASA to wealth management to author.

In her new book, “Smart Women Love Money,” and in our conversation, she lays out the only five things you need to do to guarantee financial success — and why embracing your inner investor is feminism’s final frontier. Then Kelly and I dig into your questions about maximizing a post-divorce nest egg and the either/or of investing your savings or paying off debt. And we ponder this biggie: How much money is enough? Please leave us a review and share us with your loved ones!

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