Invest Retirement

HerMoney Podcast: From A Penny In Savings To A Millionaire In Five Years. Meet Grant Sabatier. (Episode 165)

Kelly Hultgren  |  June 12, 2019

What's your most limited resource? Money?

We get how it can feel that way, but the real answer is time. You can earn more money. You can’t get more hours or minutes or seconds…or years. The latter — particularly as it relates to compound interest, giving your money time to grow — is just one of the things we dive into with the inspiring Grant Sabatier, a proponent of the “Financial Independence, Retire Early” (FIRE) movement, and author of “Financial Freedom: A Proven Path to All the Money You Will Ever Need.” (Note: If you’re catching up, we’ve talked about FIRE in Episodes 145 and 146.) Sabatier shares his recent journey with FIRE and how he went from broke — literally $2.26 in his checking and $0.01 in his savings — to millionaire to financially independent in roughly five years. Oh yeah, and he’s in his early 30s.

Then, in Mailbag, does going to a more expensive college mean more success? Plus: How to tackle (what feels like) crippling credit card debt. And since we also discuss how to increase our incomes with Grant, we thought it’d be a good time to review some best practices for asking for a raise. Dos and don’ts in Thrive.

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