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HerMoney Podcast: Financial Lessons From Former FDIC Chair And Powerhouse Sheila Bair (Episode 88)

Jean Chatzky  |  December 13, 2017

This week we're having a conversation with Sheila Bair, who Forbes named the second most powerful woman in the world — twice.

This week we’re having a conversation with Sheila Bair, who Forbes named the second most powerful woman in the world — twice. As Chair of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. from 2006 to 2011, she steered the agency through the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression and was the woman responsible for the successful safekeeping of $6 trillion of Americans’ savings. Her leadership earned her nicknames like — the “new sheriff of Wall Street” and the “little guy’s protector in chief.” We go back to the 2008 financial crisis, discuss whether history is repeating itself and the lessons all of us can take away from it as consumers, investors and as a society as a whole.

Kelly and I answer your questions on finding a financial planner and removing a delinquency from your credit report. Then, Hayden joins us to share how she negotiated a listener’s internet bill.

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