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HerMoney Podcast Episode 319: Moving Past Rejection

Kathryn Tuggle  |  May 18, 2022

Rejection sucks. Loss is incredibly difficult. Here’s how to move on to a better place.

If you were here with us late last year for episode 279, “Becoming a Boundary Boss,” then we hope you’ve spent these last few months flexing your “no”-saying muscles, setting the boundaries you need, and rejecting things in your life that don’t serve you.

And it’s that last part — rejection — that we’re diving into this week… Only we’re going to flip it on its head a bit. We’re not talking about when you eliminate something or someone from your life — we’re exploring what happens when you’re the one getting rejected. When you’re told “no,” when what you really, really want is a yes.

Because lately, I feel like all we’ve been hearing is what a “wonderful time” it is to get hired. How people are getting crazy 90% bumps in their salary when they change jobs, because the market is hot, hot, hot… But the truth is, it can be a great time to get hired and we can also get turned away from the job of our dreams. Culturally, we spend a lot of time talking about “how to turn a ‘no’ into a ‘yes,’” but sometimes, a no is just a no, and we have to pick ourselves up and move on. We have to turn our attention to new places, new opportunities, and new people that want us, wholeheartedly, and appreciate what we have to offer.

So, in this episode we dive into how to prepare for rejection, how to handle it when it happens, and how to move on when it does. We’re doing it all with Jordan Lee Dooley who started her career with a small Etsy shop in college, selling inspirational cards, journals and clothes for women going through challenges. She quickly grew her company into so much more, with books, programming, and the popular podcast, “SHE” that offers guidance for how ambitious women can do everything, from cultivating a home, to building a vibrant career, and managing money… Her bestselling book is “Embrace Your Almost: Find Clarity and Contentment in the In-Betweens, Not-Quites, and Unknowns.”

Listen in as Jordan and Jean discuss the frustration around rejection — many of us know firsthand how frustrating it can be when you almost achieve a goal, almost reach a dream, and almost get to where you want to be, only to land just short of the finish line or watch it all fall apart at the last minute. We discuss what we can learn from unmet expectations, and why people don’t like talking about failure.

Jordan also tells us why rethinking dreams is not always the worst thing, and gives us advice for finding a happy spot and contentment after we’ve just been given a big “no.” Specifically, we discuss what happens if you apply for your dream job and get rejected… How do we know when we need to keep pursuing that particular dream, and when we need to walk away? (Jordan walks us through some of the questions we may be asking ourselves when we get rejected, and how to process those feelings.) Plus, she offers her best advice for moving forward when your plans don’t go according to plan.

In Mailbag, we talk about making the most of our social security, and how to help an elderly parent with their budget. In Thrive, should you pay your parents when they babysit?

Editor’s note: We maintain a strict editorial policy and a judgment-free zone for our community, and we also strive to remain transparent in everything we do. Posts may contain references and links to products from our partners. Learn more about how we make money.

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