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HerMoney Podcast: Should You Freeze Your Eggs? A Conversation About Career, Money, Life (Episode 108)

Jean Chatzky  |  May 7, 2018

While egg-freezing has long been a proposed (and provocative) way to have it all, this week's guest put the practice under an international spotlight.

“Freeze your eggs. Free your career.” That was the headline on an April 2014 cover of Bloomberg Businessweek featuring this week’s guest, Brigitte Adams. While egg-freezing had long been a proposed (and provocative) way to have it all, this put the practice under an international spotlight. But as Adams, who went on to found Eggsurance, an egg-freezing education site, tells us, things don’t always go according to plan. She gets granular on the process and educates us on the emotional, physical and financial costs. Then, in Mailbag, we transition from questions on egg freezing to questions on credit freezing (we swear we didn’t plan it this way), SEP IRAs and using your children’s 529s for yourself. Then stay tuned for a special Hayden Helps on student loan refinancing.

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