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HerMoney Podcast Episode 324: Get What You Want

Kathryn Tuggle  |  June 22, 2022

How do you get what you most want, and overcome the mental and emotional obstacles standing in your way? Julie Solomon gives us the tools. 

What do you want most for your life and your career, in terms of goals you’ve set for yourself? What about those big goals that seem almost too big — the impossible ones that you only sometimes let yourself dare to dream? 

Sometimes we might want “success,” or we might have a vague notion that we want to “start something of our own,” or we might want “leadership opportunities” at work… and all these sound great, in theory (and they probably all look great on paper)  but how do we know if those things are truly what’s going to bring us fulfillment in the years to come? 

In other words, yes, we need to know how to get what we want, but we also need to know exactly what that is. We have to really zero in on specific goals, because “success” or “fulfillment” or “joy” is going to look different for everyone. 

So, how do we get what we want? In this week’s episode, we sit down with with the woman who literally wrote the book on it — for more than fifteen years, Julie Solomon has been working as a business and life coach, empowering women with her successful online coaching programs and services, including Pitch It Perfect, The Influencer Academy, and SHINE Mastermind. She is the host of the top-rated The Influencer Podcast, and author of the new book, “Get What You Want: How to Go From Unseen to Unstoppable.” 

Listen in as Julie and Jean discuss the importance of “identifying your origin story.” Julie shares her personal story of hiding over $30,000 of credit card debt from your husband, and how his discovery led you down a new path. (Hint: you have to find what’s holding you back, and release limiting belief systems if you’re going to speak from a place of increased confidence and clarity.) 

We also talk about how to know what we want, and then get what we want — does it all boil down to confidence? And what if we have confidence issues at play, with some self-sabotage, self-loathing, or a lack of self- acceptance? How can we  gain the confidence to move forward? 

“Why are you telling yourself that what you think you want is impossible?” Julie asks. “And what is the payoff for you thinking that? A lot of times, we have these unconscious payoffs of, “If getting what I want is impossible, then that means it’s ‘out there’ and it’s not my responsibility, and since it’s not my responsibility, I can’t be held accountable for getting what I want, which then just keeps me in this perpetual state of staying small.” 

Julie gets candid about what it means to “amplify possibility,” which amounts to having bigger “what ifs,” and identifying the beliefs that have been holding us  back? (How do you know if you’ve looked at all the possibilities that are open to you?) Jean and Julie take a deep dive into a familiar phrase: How can we let go of what we can’t change? 

So many of us are people pleasers. We have a fear of letting other people down…how the heck do we move past that, and start being unafraid of disappointing others? Julie weighs in on that, as well as what to do if  the thing we want is a long way outside our comfort zone. 

In Mailbag, we hear from a listener who participated in HerMoney’s recent FinanceFixx class and has a question about her pension and the target retirement amount she should have saved by age 60.  And in Thrive, how to put an end to the paycheck-to-paycheck cycle. 

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