Invest Retirement

HerMoney Podcast: Is An Annuity Right For You? (Episode 133)

Kelly Hultgren  |  October 31, 2018

We (and by we, we mean the entire personal finance community) talk a lot about saving for retirement, but not enough about how to make our money last as long as we're going to.

So we’re going to change that. One possible solution for better guaranteeing income in retirement: annuities.

One woman who’s making annuities sound much sexier than they are: Elaine Larsen. At speeds of over 280 mph, Elaine has made a career out of going as fast as possible for five seconds down a straight and narrow quarter-mile track as a hot-rod race car driver. However, after a major wreck in 2011, she realized she wasn’t invincible and that it was time to start planning for retirement. She shares her story and how an annuity was right for her and her family.

In Mailbag — after retirement is taken care of, how should you invest an extra $10,000? We offer ideas and answer your other questions on freezing credit for toddlers and buying into CDs at credit unions. Plus: Venmo is about to get more expensive. Hear why in Thrive.

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