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New Ways To Buy Groceries and Save Money

Lindsay Tigar  |  January 27, 2025

Prices around the country are on the rise. Here’s everything you need to know to shop smart, get a deal and keep your costs low.

No matter what’s happening in the world economy, stocking up your kitchen pantry to feed yourself (and your family, if you have one) is a necessary weekly ritual. It’s especially necessary given recent headlines about food prices rising.

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Even though we can’t do anything about the rising prices, we can shop strategically for food to keep our costs manageable. We checked in with experts to get their take on exactly how to save on groceries right now.

1. Set A Budget 

Yes, this is one you’ve heard before, but it bears repeating. Regardless of what you’re buying — from groceries to clothing— the secret to saving money is deciding how much you want to spend before you go to the store, advises savings coach Krystal Sharp. She says a good baseline is to spend $100 to $125 per person, per month, when grocery shopping.

“Break it down based on weekly or biweekly shopping,” Sharp says. “That’s your budget to spend on what you need.”

Yes, prices will vary greatly around the country, so you may find that in New York City, for example, you’ll need a budget of closer to $150 per person. So make sure you’re budgeting based on your needs and location.

And if you’ve been tracking your spending for a while and you find that you often go over-budget on food, try taking the money you’ve budgeted in cash, and commit to only spending the amount you have on you. You may find this philosophy forces you to get creative in ways you hadn’t considered. 

2. Meal Prep 

Before you head to the grocery store, make a list of everything you need to satisfy the meals you want to cook for the week. When you know exactly what you want to cook, you’ll enjoy less waste and you’ll be able to maximize your dollars in a new way. As you’re scribbling down your menu ideas, cross-reference what you already have in your pantry and fridge. While this extra step may take time, it helps you to have a firm understanding of what you already have on hand, rather than buying items you don’t need. 

Meal prep has long been a favorite move for those of us trying to stick to a diet or keep our weekly calorie count in line, but it’s also one of the top recommendations for cost-cutting, says Kelli Vilchis, a professional shopper with Dumpling. “I buy veggies, roast them in the oven, and they make a delicious lunch or even side for dinner,” she says. “If I make my lunches, I spend less while I’m out and about during the day.”

3. Don’t Be A Loyalist

What do we mean by that? Well, just because you’ve always gone to Whole Foods doesn’t mean that’s the only store you should frequent. Yes, this will require some detective work to figure out exactly what products are the cheapest at which stores, but we promise your efforts are well worth it.

Start by trying to fill your list at well-known low-cost stores such as Aldi or Walmart. After that, try sourcing from another local spot that you know generally has good prices, or check online. If you still have items on your list that have been unfindable at a lower cost, then you can kick things to more expensive grocery spots. The goal here is to get everything you need while spending the least amount of money. 

Granted, no one wants to spend all day (and multiple gallons of gas) driving around trying to save a few cents on a package of pasta. But try to take a serious look for products where you stand to save a few dollars. By comparing prices across the board, you can start to strategize your shopping to get the best bang for your buck at each place. For example, maybe you’ll find produce is significantly less expensive at Aldi, or Trader Joe’s has the cheapest cous-cous. If several of your favorite stores are somewhat close together, it’s worth making a few stops. 

4. Cut Down On Impulse Buys

Picture yourself at the register. You see a magazine you’d like. And then a candy bar. And maybe a bottled water. And you know that prepared meal would make dinner so much easier, even if it’s double the price… 

Any shopper knows how quickly impulse buys can add up. The best way to avoid them is to avoid temptation in the first place, says Lisa Thompson, a savings expert with

“If you purchase the grocery items on your list at home through your retailer’s app or website or a service like Instacart, you’re more likely to just buy the things you need and not be swayed by the things you don’t,” she says.

Yes, you should allow for a bit of room in your budget for an occasional splurge (we all deserve to treat ourselves from time to time!) but if you can get into the habit of cutting most impulse buys, you could save hundreds over the course of a year, she adds.

LISTEN: Eat Better, Save More Money on Food with Nutritionist Ellie Krieger on the HerMoney podcast.

5. Get On The List

And by “list,” Thompson means the email loyalty program with your favorite retailers or brands. Subscribe to their emails and engage with them on social — this is where you can find deals and offers that aren’t necessarily shared with the public.

“A big part of creating a money-saving habit is to know how and where to save — and when,” she says. “You can always unfollow or unsubscribe if a particular brand feels too spammy, or they’re not delivering the value you’re looking for. But for the brands you love, it’s worth it to engage with them and stay informed.”

6. Be Mindful Of The Meat

Often, the most expensive thing families add to their grocery cart these days is  meat, says Neale Godfrey, a personal finance expert and author.

To cut back on the cost, consider buying meat in bulk at stores like Costco or Sam’s Club, and freeze what you don’t eat. If you don’t have a wholesale club membership, you can still save — meat is one thing you can keep an eye out for when browsing store circulars and limited-time deals. Also remember that processed lunch meat is often much more costly than meat you cook yourself. 

“It’s cheaper to buy, for instance, a rump roast and slice it thinly for lots of sandwiches,” Godfrey says. “If you want bacon or cold cuts, for instance, look for the end cuts that will save you lots of money.”

7. Buy In Bulk

If you’re feeding several people in your household (or even if you’re flying solo and you have a lot of closet space!) buying in bulk can make a significant difference to your grocery cost bottom line, Vilchis says. Check out Sam’s Club or Costco to see where you’ll find the best unit price — and keep in mind that sometimes you may find the best bulk discounts at places like Walmart or Target, especially if there are coupons on offer.  Remember, buying in bulk only saves you money if you use the products and you don’t let them go to waste.

“Buying large packages that will last a long time will have you spending less over time,” she says. “You can buy paper goods, laundry and cleaning supplies, vitamins, and dry pantry ingredients like rice, oil, pasta, etc., to save.”


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