Garage sales are great places to find bargains. But why is it that having a successful garage sale seems so difficult? For one thing, it’s hard to know what people want to buy, let alone how much they might pay for something. Garage Sale Day is coming up on August 13, so we set out to uncover some tips for having a great sale. Read on for some words of wisdom that will help you have your best garage sale yet.
Brittany Kline, Co-Founder of The Savvy Couple, advises that you “have a plan and stick to it.” She knows garage sales can feel overwhelming and finds that planning helps. Make a plan that includes “deciding what items you’re going to sell, how you’re going to price them, and how you’re going to advertise your sale.”
She also notes that the day of the week can impact whether your sale is successful. Kline recommends having your sale on a Friday, Saturday, or Sunday during nice weather in the spring or summer months.
Ava Seavey, Garage Sale Queen at GarageSaleGold, largely agrees with this advice. She has found that the best day for garage sales is Friday, followed by Saturday. In her experience, Sunday sales don’t do quite as well.
“One of the best things about having a garage sale is getting rid of all the stuff you don’t need anymore,” explains Kline.
Yet we know how difficult it can be to figure out what items people might be interested in buying. Kline tells us, “People will always be looking for bargains, but the items that are in demand may change from year to year.” This year, she advises that people might be looking for deals on the following:
- Clothing
- Electronics
- Furniture
- Household items
- Toys and games
Seavey agrees that people are likely to look for bargains on “household items.” She adds that people may be looking for deals on jewelry and gifts as well.
Deciding what to sell might be tricky but pricing everything can be an even bigger dilemma.
Kline recommends that you “price to sell” because people shopping garages sales are generally looking for a good deal. She adds that “you don’t have to give {your items} away.” Instead, she says, “In general, it’s best to price items at about 75% off of their original retail value. This will give people the impression that they’re getting a good deal, while still allowing you to make some money.”
Seavey advises, “Never charge more than 50% of what it’s selling for at retail.” She also recommends bundling similar items together to sell in a group. For instance, you might bundle four books together and sell the bundle for $1.
Once you’ve priced your items, you’ll want to think about how to organize them for the sale. Seavey says you should “tag and label everything.” She also says, “Presentation is everything.”
Kline concurs: “People are more likely to buy something if it looks nice and is organized in an appealing way. So take some time to set up your sale in a way that will make it easy for people to find what they’re looking for and entice them to buy.”
According to Kline, you may want to consider grouping items together so “people can easily see what’s available.” Putting small items in a basket or a box can be helpful and hanging clothing up using a clothesline or clothing rack lets people see the clothes easily.
Both Seavey and Kline advocate for using table covers to make your items look more enticing. Seavey suggests using a shower curtain or a bit of fabric if you don’t have a tablecloth. She adds, “Don’t throw things on the ground. Many older shoppers won’t be able to access {them} and that is a huge demographic for shopping.” She also advises that you clean up the items you’re trying to sell and that you have plug-ins nearby for electronic items.
Both Kline and Seavey agree that you’ll need to advertise your sale. Kline notes, “The more people who know about your garage sale, the more successful it will be.” She suggests putting signs up in your neighborhood and listing your sale on classifieds websites.
Seavey agrees that using neighborhood signage is a good idea. She also recommends advertising your sale in your local newspaper and posting it on social media sites. And she suggests advertising the sale
on Garage Sales Tracker and Yard Sale Search.
Everyone’s garage sale experience will differ because we all have different items for sale. Plus, Kline adds that the location and timing come into play with how much someone make might from a sale. She notes, “In general, though, most people who have garage sales make between $100 and $500. If you have some bigger items like furniture, lawn mowers, or electronics you could easily make over $1,000 in a weekend.”
On the other hand, Seavey says, “I’ve made over $3,000 on two-day garage sales.” She adds, “Most people can expect to take in at least $500-$1000 if they have good merchandise.” Ultimately, how much money you bring in comes down to “how much merchandise you have and how well you promote it.”
Clearly, planning a successful garage sale involves a bit of legwork. You need to make a plan, decide what you’re selling, organize and present it well, then get the word out about your sale. How much you make will depend on many things, but these tips will have you on your way to a successful garage or yard sale this summer. A clutter-free home and a bit of extra cash? Sold!