Earn Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship 101 

Chelsey Zhu  |  August 22, 2022

Learn about the best tips and the pitfalls to avoid while starting your own business in this Mailbag episode.

This special episode is dedicated to all the entrepreneurs. We’re here to tackle your questions about starting and growing your business—and who better to answer those questions than Amy Errett, the founder of Madison Reed, venture capitalist, and a four-time entrepreneur? She gave us amazing advice when she last stopped by for Episode 290: Building Your Business During Tough Times and Episode 158: Color Commentary with Amy Errett. Now, she’s back to dispense some more wisdom about taking risks, achieving financial security, and making a career out of what you really love. 

Tune in to hear Jean and Amy answer questions about determining the dollar amount that your business is worth, and saving for retirement while you’re putting money into your company. We hear from one listener who wants to know the best way to invest in her friend’s new business, and another who’s debating whether she should pay off her personal debt before starting on her entrepreneurial journey. We also walk a listener through hiring her first employee. 

We love hearing from our audience! If you have questions for an upcoming episode, please send them our way at mailbag@hermoney.com

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